Force powers

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Force Powers are the most striking characteristic of Starbound Awakens, and are special abilities which in Starbound Awakens are represented as items that can be worn or wielded. They can be quite powerful, depending on what sort of mods you use in your game beyond this one.

Getting started[edit | edit source]

To begin using Force Powers, you must first obtain the following:

  • A codex on using the Force
  • Some Life Essence
  • A few Datacrons - at least 30-40 of either the "Jedicrons" or "Sithcrons" are necessary.
  • An Ancient Forge.

In order to learn about the Force, you must obtain the appropriate codices regarding the Force. These are in effect books which can be obtained from Villager Tenants or Force user tenants. Once you obtain the appropriate codex, it will grant you the ability to craft Force Powers, but you will still need three more items - a supply of Datacrons, Life Essence, as well as a Holocron. Acquiring a single Datacron will give you the blueprints to build a Holocron, but must craft it using the Ancient Forge. It will not be cheap - the recipe requires a large number of Datacrons, as well as gold and diamonds.

The two Force tenants - the Jedi Guardian and the Sith Warrior - are happy to teach you Force techniques, if you have been friends for long with them. They will either hand you basic Force powers, or if you wait long enough, Datacrons that contain information on how to upgrade certain abilities, using a Jedi Holocron.

Once you obtain the Holocron, you are then ready to begin your Jedi training. If you have amassed a sufficient number of Holocrons, you should then be able to open them up, either to find Life Essence, or the recipes to upgrading certain Jedi Powers. Use the Life Essence to create the first Force Power available on the Holocron, and you should be well on your way to mastery of the rest.