Carbonite Crystal

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The second most important element in Starbound Awakens, Carbonite is a carbon-based compound with multiple uses. While you will probably be using it to create cheap, mass-produced furniture, its applications go beyond that. Some important industrial and electronic components - especially those used in Lightsabers - require the use of Carbonite in them.

A Carbonite Freezing Station.

Carbonite Crystals, the primary source of Carbonite, can be found by mining all across planets. However, for those who use Frackin' Universe, another method is also possible - the melting down of Graphene in a Fission Furnace. Both Carbonite Crystald and Graphene alike must first be rendered into Liquid Carbonite, then sent to a Carbonite Freezing Station to be converted either into Carbonite Bars, or other components.