User talk:Velvetclaw
From Starbound Awakens
12/5/22[edit source]
Starbound agenda:
- Rey's Clothing
- A kit that converts clothes or combines them to form Rey's very distinctive clothing is best.
- I'm in no mood to add more weapons or recipes.
- Redo weapons.
- Remove any "basic-tier" weapons, that is, anything marked on category:weapons with "(+)".
- Redo smuggler's inventory, give him black market- versions of SWM weapons and get rid of vanilla ones.
- Move T2/3 ranged, T/4/5 melee over to the Mandaloran Armourer.
- Hunt down the Mandaloran armour and give it new bonuses when the full set is worn - resistance to Cold, radiation, deadly heat (but no oxygen).
- Normal merchants don't need any tweaking.
Weapon recipes:
- Melee weapons - uses Anvil
- Low-tier ranged - uses Forge
- Laser / hi-tech - uses Accelerator.
- First, disable recipes for Contraband versions of weapons and legendary weapons.
- Then, move weapons without upgrades over to the Mandaloran Armourer.
- Then, alter existing recipes to fit the new devices they have been prepared for - upgrades at the Weapon Assembly Table, base weapons at the vanilla workstations.
Updates[edit source]
- Aqualish heads
- Nerf
This far we have managed to produce code to insert a mech body into the game, but it will take more than mere code to make it a reality. We still haven't gotten any information about how to insert custom mech arm positions yet.
I will probably need to watch YouTube a bit to see how it's done.