Jedi Holocron

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After the Ancient Forge, the Jedi Holocron represents the next step in developing Force powers. If the Forge is used in preparing Lightsabers, then the Holocron is a repository for storing and interpreting Jedi knowledge through the manipulation of Life Essence to generate Force Powers. You will obtain the blueprints for the Ancient Forge upon recovering a Datacron - either from either the Jedi Guardian or the Sith Warrior, or ransacking ancient tomb complexes throughout the Galaxy. In addition, you must have an Ancient Forge to assemble the Holocron. It however will not be an easy task — you will need to acquire vast number of Datacrons before you can ever hope to build one.

In addition to these abilities, the Jedi Holocron can also be used to convert Research (a resource from the Frackin' Universe mod) into Life Essence.